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Thursday, 4 December 2014

Pope attacks Europe's throwaway culture

Pope Francis criticised Europe in a speech at the European Parliament. He attacked Europe's 'throwaway culture,' which he said ignored the elderly, the seriously ill and unborn children. He said technology and economics seemed more important than people. He said people were now just "cogs in a machine" and that whenever someone is no longer useful, that machine throws them away. He said Europe suffers from uncontrolled consumerism.
The Pope warned that Europe's sense of community and great ideas were disappearing because of bureaucracy. He warned that this was "downright harmful" to people. The Pope also warned that Europe was not caring for its people. He said: "One of the most common diseases in Europe today is the loneliness typical of those who have no connection with others." He added that this was especially true of the elderly and the young. (Breaking News)

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