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Wednesday 12 November 2014

Independence for Catalonia ???

1.8 million people vote in favor of independence for Catalonia

Over a third of those eligible turned out to vote, according to census estimates

The Catalan government has released its results for participation in the unofficial poll on independence for the northeastern Spanish region that was held on Sunday. Deputy premier Joana Ortega announced that 2,305,290 people had come out to cast their vote, just over a third of those eligible.
She went on to say that 80.76% of the participants had voted yes to the two questions asked: “Do you want Catalonia to be a state?” was the first; in the case of a positive response, voters were asked: “Do you want Catalonia to be an independent state?”
The “yes-no” response obtained 10.07%; “no-no” 4.54%; and blank votes accounted for 0.56%.
The results were released with 100% of votes counted. (El País)


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