
Stonehenge, England

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Thursday 31 July 2014


800 gr Albacore tuna
500 gr potatoes
200 gr tomato
100 gr red peppers
4 green peppers
1 Onion
6 garlic cloves
100 ml olive oil
1 l fish stock
1 chili pepper
1 tsp pimentón

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes about the size of a walnut. Cook in the fish stock. Roast the green peppers, peel and cut into strips. Fry in oil with a clove of garlic. In a frying-pan, make a sofrito with the onion, garlic, chopped tomato, pimentón and chili pepper. Finally, add the red peppers. Remove the skin from the tuna and cut into pieces. Season and add to the pan of stock when the potatoes are nearing completion. Add the sofrito with the green peppers, cook for a further five minutes and serve. (FoodsfromSpain)

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